When most businesses think of chatbots, they think of a customer facing experience. Lead generation, customer support, product explainers are all common use cases for TARS chatbots. Of course, this doesn’t mean that all bots must be customer facing. We have noticed a small but robust community of bot creators emerge who are using TARS chatbots to improve the way that their businesses function internally.
One such example is Pazmental.

Manuel Rosemberg, Director General and Founder of Pazmental
We spoke with Manuel Rosemberg, Director General and Founder of Pazmental to understand the problem they are trying to solve with the Tars chatbot.
The Problem…
Pazmental is a home care provider for senior people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Long Term Requirements. Their 70+ nurses, visit the houses of patients throughout the week checking on physical and mental health of the patients. On these visits, nurses in the past would log their observations on the patients manually using pen and paper (usually in a notebook). While this system did work, it posed the company with a significant problem: Poor Data Management.
The data collected in the notebooks was no doubt valuable, however it was largely unusable for the company. Written notes are unstructured by nature meaning that Pazmental was not able to efficiently track and report the status of their patients. Any attempt at doing so would involve, nurses individually visiting the Pazmental offices to manually have their notes parsed and entered into a system.
This was no small problem.
In a business like home care, the customer is not only the patient being cared for but also the family. To these family members, the care of their loved ones is of utmost priority and to this end — Transparency is not only preferred, it is necessary.
TARS Effect
This is where TARS came into picture. Pazmental worked with the TARS chatbot builder to create a data collection chatbot for their nurses. Today, when a nurse visits a patient, rather than logging observations in a notebook, they respond to a series of fixed questions in the Pazmental data collection bot.
This bot provides multiple sources of value to Pazmental :
- Nurses’ observations are now in a structured format. The question and answer format of the bot as well as the fixed response UIs offered in the builder (e.g. buttons, date scroller) means that data is standardised and stored in a structured format.
- The fact that the bot is automatically passing data to the TARS servers means that Pazmental does not have to engage in any form of manual entry. The structured data can be easily exported at the end of each month without a hassle and sent to patient’s family as a report.
- Monitoring the daily activity of home care providers through a chatbot has become a core part of Pazmental’s offering to their customers(patients).
Together, these allow Pazmental to easily analyse the data their nurses collect, creating monthly reports for the patients and families to view.
The end result is a more effective, transparent service, and satisfied customers.
The Upshot
Pazmental case study shows how TARS bots can streamline a business’ internal processes.
In their specific case, the bot helps structure data and automate data entry. This in turn allows them to serve their customers in a better way.

Ish is the co-founder at Tars. His day-to-day activities primarily involve making sure that the Tars tech team doesn’t burn the office to the ground. In the process, Ish has become the world champion at using a fire extinguisher and intends to participate in the World Fire Extinguisher championship next year.
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